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Revision of Steam Summer Sale from Sat, 24/06/2017 - 12:01

linuxslacker's picture

heres some good picks

Tower unite – minigolf/casino/minigames/etc 30pct off
RockerLeague – comeon everyone should have this now if not get it 40pct off
Rust – same as rocket leage get it :) 50pct off
Borderlands 2 – tiny tina is seriously the best character ever must buy 78pct off
HitMan – hit men(and sometimes woman) in many different ways. season 1 is finished and they opened the training levels for free well worth picking it up
Saints row series – over the top and funny game worth picking up
Metro 2033 and last light redux – great game with a good enough story.


Robag_Jr's picture

you could also buy the valve

you could also buy the valve value bundle for roughly $17

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  • Avast! This website be taken over by pirates on September 19th. Yarr!

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