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Revision of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars 10th Anniversary from Tue, 20/02/2018 - 18:08

Fuzz's picture

I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since a little game called Enemy Territory Quake Wars was released. At the time members of Team IPX were playing its predecessor ET Wolfenstein, but ETQW took things to a new level.

By my count we still have 10+ existing members that played the game back then, along with many more people we met in game and still keep in touch with. Including a few ex members.

Amazingly the game still works. Server browser is still functional. And there are still a few servers around including the Love Shack, and the Team IPX Server.

If anyones interested in taking a stroll down memory lane and having a game or two, drop a comment here and we can get a game going. The guys over at the <3 Shack have been getting some games for about the last week also. It’s dying down now, but if we added some numbers it should pick up again.

10 anniversary story:


Robag's picture

The TEAM - IPX ETQW Server

is up and running

stroog stroog stroog stroog stroog


Fuzz's picture

Nice one Ro!

We had an appearance by ex IPX member PresidentKippa tonight. Hadn’t spoken to him in 5 odd years. Was good to catch up.

Plus some randoms I’d never met. It won’t take much to get a proper game going.

linuxslacker's picture

sounds fun

i heard there’s been a few games lately

haven’t found the old cd but i found my cd key so i guess ill find an iso and join you guys later

Fuzz's picture

Friday Night

Looks like there will be some people on Friday night if anyones interested:

linuxslacker's picture

all installed

found a pirated copy and got it last night so installed and all ready

dont know if its setup but seems to be working it did lose the mouse whenever i reset the resolution

Fuzz's picture


Games have started and will run most of the night.

I’ll be swapping between this and Rust tonight on the new wipe where our base is in M4 of Fortnightly (for anyone that wants to join that also).

Fuzz's picture


A great turnout. Some current IPX members in Ro, Slack and myself. As well as a few ex members, PresidentKippa and SilentShadow. Along with Goto and Rosie, and a bunch of other long time QW community members.

gg all

chipper's picture


through desk looking for a copy to install.

nice spot Fuzz will get ready for a game.

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