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Revision of Zombie Army 4: Season Pass One FREE from Sat, 19/02/2022 - 16:15

n0mad's picture

Slaymakers! and Team IPX

Not a day goes by we don’t recognise the efforts of the community in the fight against the undead menace.
Thanks to your gut exploding, head stomping skills, The Resistance has managed to holding of their evil charge.

In celebration of Team IPX efforts, we are making access to Season One free
nine weapon bundles
five weapon skin packs
three additional levels
four character outfit bundles
four character packs

along with some heavy discounts across the Zombie Army Franchise.
Check out the ghoulishly delightful discounts below:

Zombie Army 4: Dead War – 70%
Zombie Army 4: Dead War Season Passes 2 and 3 + Individual DLC – 33%
Sniper Elite: Zombie Army – 75%
Sniper Elite: Zombie Army 2 – 75%
Zombie Army Trilogy – 85%
Zombie Army Trilogy 4 Pack – 85%

Team IPX Go forth, grab yourself a sickeningly gruesome deal and slay away!


Robag's picture

yep i like it

already took it for a spin last night
new weapons are cool

haven’t tried a new map yet


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