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Revision of IPX vs MaD Blue - GA Season 2 Match 8 from Tue, 12/08/2008 - 23:19

ltmon's picture
19/08/2008 20:30
19/08/2008 22:30

Who: MaD Blue*
Map: Area 22, Salvage or Valley
Organiser: Fuzz
Captain: HP or Blood
Where: TBA
When: Saturday 10:30pm, Sunday 7pm, Tuesday 8:30pm
Referee Requested: No
Status: Needs accepting by 14:15 14/08/2008


Team IPX Saturday10:00pm Sunday 7pm Tuesday 8:30pm Preferred Map Comment
Ltmon Maybe No Yes Salvage
CombatChuck Yes No Yes Salvage -
Fuzz No No Yes Salvage -
n0mad N0 N0 Yes Valley Sub Sub Sub Sub
HP No No Yes Whatever My no’s are maybe’s – heaps busy at work and it will get more busy before it gets quite. Have a release this weekend so I don’t know what time it will finish. Will update availability when I get more info.
Robag No Yes Yes Salvage Man Blue, lets make them blue in the face


Sha8doW's picture

after a carp week

after a carp week im guna say no to the sat and sun. tues will bee good as always (will edit the page when i got home)

HarassmentPanda's picture

7.30 Start for Prac Tomorrow

Since the match starts at 8:30 we should try and squeeze some revision in before hand, say 7:30 on the IPX Server.

Is that cool with every one?

n0mad's picture

Sounds like a plan

+ 1


n0mad's picture

Prac still need ya

Even if you are not playing we would like to C you in Prac
so we have sum numbers to prac….

Also to test our numbers on the IPX Server ;)

Robag's picture

Prc server promod 0.6a setup

Hi Panda
I will try to skype you tonight to setup the promod setting on the prac server

HarassmentPanda's picture

Setup already ;-)

That was my Sunday afternoon. Wheels of War on the other hand requires some more attention.

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