Should IPX Discuss about our own ET:QW Server

n0mad's picture
25% (2 votes)
If it's Free Let's Discuss it
75% (6 votes)
Nar next year we w0nt be playin it
0% (0 votes)
What they have servers ya say
0% (0 votes)
GA has Booking's for Servers lets just keep b00king em
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 8


I’ll def have to do a bit

I’ll def have to do a bit of thinking about this one. But a good topic to discuss! Even though the community might be smallish at the moment for some reason I still feel that there is chance of growth so hopefully in the coming years extra mods/patches would see this happen.

n0mad's picture

G0t t0 get this Happen

Yer Needs to be discussed me Think, I’ve got a few c00l ideas……….

Maybe 2 Servers ?

Fuzz's picture

IPX Server

I’m always interested in the possibility of running our own server, whether it be ET:QW, ET:W or whatever. But until the site pays for itself and then some (and I can’t see that happening), I don’t think we can justify paying for it. Especially when there are several options out there (always an empty pub server we can kick start, plus bookable servers if needed).

Very interested in hearing your non paying ideas though n0mad.


HarassmentPanda's picture

Run our own

I would be happy to consider running one. I would have to check out the upstream bandwidth requirements but if it’s not to heavy then It could be doable.

The only thing I don’t like about the bookable GA servers are that they aren’t ranked.

Fuzz is right though, we can always just stack on a Pub, seems to work for DI ;-)

Fuzz's picture


Found this in the ETQW server readme.

Suggested Maximum Players setting
256Kbps: 8 players
512Kbps: 13 players
768Kbps: 17 players
1.5Mbps: 24 players

8 is probably too few to make it worth it. 13 would probably be enough – could get a 6 on 6 going.

Hardware requirements probably play a part too. I think it has to be a dedicated server so someone will need a spare machine lying around.

CPU: Intel® Pentium® 4 2.8 GHz or AMD Athlon™ XP 2800+ processor (3GHz or higher for Windows Vista)
RAM: 512MB RAM (768MB for Windows Vista)
VIDEO CARD: 100% Windows compatible video card
SOUND CARD: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card

Software requirements are a bit odd. I’m sure the server can run on Linux…

Microsoft® Windows® XP/Vista (Windows 95/98/ME/2000 are unsupported)


Practice practice practice.

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