SOOOO many updates. List below!
New UI System
We have switched over to Unity’s UI system. It’s not without its problems (which they’re working on) but it’s a lot better than it was.
While I’ve moved the majority of stuff over, please keep in mind that this is just under two weeks of work. I have been concentrating on moving over the most important or most complicated features. So there are things missing – which I’m working on re-implementing.
Menu Screen
We want to make the menu screen less useless. We don’t want it to be a screen that you use to get to another screen, we want to use it to keep you informed. You can see a tiny example of this now, as we link to the 3 latest devblogs.
Server Browser
The server browser is a bit more comprehensive than the previous version. We have lists for LAN servers, favourites and history. You can add a server to your favourites by pressing the star next to its name.