f.lux & RedShift
Firstly, my long absence, again, my apologies.. It ain’t over till its over.. I am going through hell and back ( for reasons I shall not discuss).. However I am fucking tops after being clear of that Zyprexa… My brain actually WORKS again… Thanks Doctors.. Dickheads… Still on that topic, when I saw the doctor last week…. I told him what a NIGHTMARE it was coming off that stuff…. 5 minutes later, hes asking me if I want to go back on it or not…. sigh… drug dealers…..
Now… For those of you who are up a little too late on your computers, exposing yourself too that lovely high Kelvin light… Some help is here!
I am sure some of you already know of these, and maybe use them yourself, but i only just thought of the bloody idea today.. So thought why not give it a go, and it really isn’t that bad so far =)
f.lux is for Windows (also supported by Linux and iOS), and RedShift is specifically for Linux.
What these programs do, is they simply change the monitors colour temperature (measured in Kelvins) according too the time of day. You simply input your latitude/longitude co-ordinates ( make sure those are correct.. My defaults were basically northern hemisphere..) and it will know what the sunrise/sunset times are for your part of the world for the time of year. The program will automatically shift colour temperature.. Cooler (more red) during the night, and Hotter (more white to blue) during the day.
I have only just started to use it, so no idea about results or long term impacts or changes.. Will let y’all know, but I seriously think everybody should give this idea a try!
Yes I have just realized that on my monitor ( and I assume most others new ones too..) it has adjustments for cool, warm, or hot colour temperatures… However, the controls on my monitor are a bitch to use, hence they never are… This program I guess basically does the same as changing those settings, I just don’t need too stuff around with anything..
I also seem to be noticing abit of lag from time to time.. I don’t know if it is f.lux or not, but I assume so, as it is the only thing I have changed since it started doing this.. Just seems to freeze every 15 seconds or so.. Will try a reboot and see if that fixes it.. Just a warning! =P
just testing now to see if
just testing now to see if f.lux was the thing that was stuffing with my typing speed/lagging.. It appears that it was f.lux doing it after all, I didn’t reboot, I just turned it off.. It seems to be alright now.. Will see.. Gotta keep typing.. Umm no it is still doing it abit, but it is freezing for half the time now.. Okay trying a reboot!
EDIT: Seems all fine for now.. =)
0y get 0ne 0f these br0
g00d 2 hear fr0m ya
Well as I have always gamed in a dark man cave I never n0tice if it’s day 0r night….
Hashy have y0u th0ught 0f buying a anti glare filter f0r ya m0nit0r I hear they w0rk well in an 0ffice situtiati0n ?
TV + Lights...
The monitor is fine now with this software. I can basically do the same with the on board monitor settings anyway, but its just a stuff around changing it twice A day… The software just does it for me so I don’t have to worry that much…
It is the light from my TV and my other light sources that I have to deal with now. CFL’s are just a little too high on the Kelvins compared too the older bulbs… The only ones that are anywhere near 3200K are for growing plants, and they are unnecessarily expensive and high in lumens for my purposes… I will probably change everything in here to multi colour changing LED’s…
The TV on the otherhand, which is an old CRT, has limited ability to get that colour temperature right… Hopefully with a new LED/LCD TV I will be able to set it to only go to a max of 3200K…. Just limiting myself too that kind of light for when I am not able too sleep at night, will help things in the long run, I am sure of it.
Of course no light at all would be the best at night.. But sometimes its unavoidable…. SO I will create an environment more suitable for if/when you are up at night for any duration… Just any light your are exposed too must be below a certain colour temperature for it to have at least “minimal” effect on your melatonin cycle..
Of course if you WANT to stay up all night then… Of course, change everything too a higher ( bluer) K
Change in habit and routine of course always makes a difference.. But if your going to maintain a bad routine.. At least do it properly xD
this is neat.
this is neat.
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