Stuxnet w0rm

n0mad's picture

Newscientist – Article

The Stuxnet worm is different. It is the first piece of malware so far able to break into the types of computer that control machinery at the heart of industry, allowing an attacker to assume control of critical systems like pumps, motors, alarms and valves in an industrial plant.

The questi0n is will Siemens d0 anythink re there PLC Software…Simple answer NUP they have Passwords already…..

Symantec/Fitzgerald’s team found that 58.8 per cent of infections were in Iran, 18.2 per cent in Indonesia, 8.3 per cent in India, 2.6 per cent in Azerbaijan and 1.6 per cent in the US.

These numbers above s0und a bit fudged……

Who wrote the worm? No one knows.

Russians I say…………..

Life is Hard, Play Hard


Microman's picture

89.5% efficiency, Sir!

I heard about that on the news, sounds like a real problem. Makes me wonder though, why would a company risk the internet running next to their machinery..? At my Dad’s work (Metso), they have an intranet which is separated from the internet. To get information from the internet to the factory computers, you have to copy it to the local server, and then copy it across.

ltmon's picture

I have one of these PLCs!

I helped write (and currently maintain) some control software for a few small power stations using this type of SCADA interface, and heard about this worm in July.

First reaction: OH SHIT!
Second reaction: Who the hell connects a Windows computer to a power station controller anyway????

Luckily, not me nor anyone I know — crisis averted. Crazy Iranians are the only ones to do this (en masse) it seems.

BTW we do connect this PLC to the net, however contained within a VPN. Still, someone infected logging into that VPN or breaking the VPN otherwise could set off a problem.

Sha8doW's picture

Yeah thought of the exact same thing

I’ve got a feeling the old Jackson cannery is not connected to the interwebs, do our war ration canned carrots are safe, and I significantly doubt that chernobyal was, and it didn’t matter there!

Basicly mech plant is mech plant, I works 99% of the time without being connected go true interwebs!

Besides, if someone really wanted to screw someone system, there is a shitload easierway! Find a disgruntled employee!

Microman's picture

And scale?

I think the idea here, Shad, was to be able to deploy the virus on a large scale. Finding a bunch of disgruntled employees, discreetly, all over the world would be a difficult task.

Still, I don’t understand why you would connect these kinds of things to the interwebs…

Hashy's picture

Lies Lies & Guess What, m0re Lies. F**K THE CIA

In Russia, Computer Hacks You!

But seri0usly. The US have used this excuse “ the terr0rists c0uld hack the p0wer and water grid using the internets s0 we need an internet filter/kill switch” f0r the past s0 many m0nths n0w. Its bal0ney. It’s the same as they’ve d0ne t0 us here in Australia, given us a b0gus excuse that we kn0w w0nt really w0rk, in 0rder t0 push an gl0balists p0licy 0f c0ntr0lling the fl0w 0f inf0rmati0n ar0und the planet. For y0u kn0w, the next big emergency/staged terr0r attack.
Burn this w0rd int0 y0ur mind.


Sec0ndly, wh0 d0 y0u think came up with it in the first place? 0fc0urse the f**king CIA put it there. They’re trying t0 fuck 0ver Iran’s Nuclear Program.

And by CIA I really d0 mean Israel (same sh!t).

Yup, I said it. F**k Israel. Bunch 0f psych0s st0le land that didn’t rightfully bel0ng t0 them. What, because g0d t0ld y0u? 0k. g0d just t0ld me t0 tell y0u t0 kiss my arse and give me all y0ur supplies 0f th0se chewy t0ffies I like s0 much. The strawberry 0nes this time.

0h and if we are talking ab0ut nuclear weap0ns & Iran? They have EVERY right t0 them as far as I am c0ncerned. Their neighb0urs have been threatening them f0r years with them, because EVERYB0DY kn0ws Israel has nukes. Iran has every right t0 defend itself, and a pr0per BALANCE 0F P0WER sh0uld be maintained at all times, 0therwise, wh00ps, regi0nal instability WILL ENSUE.

Truth is, were all cleaning up after America’s mess, Russia is partly t0 blame, but m0stly the States. Hey thanks whichever dickhead president funded the Taliban. 00h and thanks whichever president gave Israel nukes. g00d w0rk, f**kstick.

Hashy's picture

Globalism, You Will Be Assimilated, Bitch!

gl0balist p0licy dictates a res0luti0n t0 the pr0blems in the middle east. As 0ur illustri0us f0rmer Prime Minister K.Rudd tried t0 get acr0ss t0 the UN this week, their p0licy has FAILED. Their d0 g00der attitude isn’t en0ugh. We need an Ir0n fist t0 “stabilize” th0se regi0ns. The pr0blem is, the gl0balists d0n’t have the res0urces t0 fight all the wars they feel they “need” t0 fight in 0rder t0 ensure..well, gl0bal 0rder. 2 wars is en0ugh at any 0ne time. 0ver extending t0 fight Iran n0w w0uld n0t 0nly be c0stly, it w0uld be stupid. n0t t0 menti0n there is still Mexic0 and Venezuela that need attenti0n t00. t00 much at any given time, they d0nt have the res0urces needed t0 fight that many wars/0ccupati0ns/p0lice acti0ns.

America, l00k after y0ur 0wn f**king backyard first. y0u made a sh!th0le 0ut 0f Mexic0 ( yes that’s Y0UR fault ARSEH0LES!!). Clean up y0ur 0wn b0rder bef0re u start p0king ar0und where y0u d0nt bel0ng.

America, h0me 0f the Free, Brave, and 0wners 0f cheap mexican slav..uhh, h0usew0rkers.

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