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Globalism, You Will Be Assimilated, Bitch!

gl0balist p0licy dictates a res0luti0n t0 the pr0blems in the middle east. As 0ur illustri0us f0rmer Prime Minister K.Rudd tried t0 get acr0ss t0 the UN this week, their p0licy has FAILED. Their d0 g00der attitude isn’t en0ugh. We need an Ir0n fist t0 “stabilize” th0se regi0ns. The pr0blem is, the gl0balists d0n’t have the res0urces t0 fight all the wars they feel they “need” t0 fight in 0rder t0 ensure..well, gl0bal 0rder. 2 wars is en0ugh at any 0ne time. 0ver extending t0 fight Iran n0w w0uld n0t 0nly be c0stly, it w0uld be stupid. n0t t0 menti0n there is still Mexic0 and Venezuela that need attenti0n t00. t00 much at any given time, they d0nt have the res0urces needed t0 fight that many wars/0ccupati0ns/p0lice acti0ns.

America, l00k after y0ur 0wn f**king backyard first. y0u made a sh!th0le 0ut 0f Mexic0 ( yes that’s Y0UR fault ARSEH0LES!!). Clean up y0ur 0wn b0rder bef0re u start p0king ar0und where y0u d0nt bel0ng.

America, h0me 0f the Free, Brave, and 0wners 0f cheap mexican slav..uhh, h0usew0rkers.


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