New Left 4 Dead DLC Next Month [Aug 04, 2009, 1:06 pm ET]

Robag's picture

Valve announces Crash Course, new DLC for Left 4 Dead they will release next month to provide additional content for the zombie shooter. The September DLC release will be 560 points for Xbox 360 and free for Windows:
Entitled “Crash Course,” the latest DLC delivers new single-player, multiplayer and co-operative gameplay to both platforms. Targeted for release in September, “Crash Course” bridges the gap between the end of the “No Mercy” campaign and the beginning of “Death Toll” in the original game, expanding the game universe with new locations, new dialogue from the original cast, and an explosive finale

While containing both Survival maps and a Co-operative Campaign, the primary goal of “Crash” is to deliver a complete Versus mode experience in just 30 minutes, resulting in a streamlined version of the game’s existing Versus campaigns. A recharge timer for infected teammates has also been added, and item spawn behavior has changed for more balanced gameplay.

“Since the release of Left 4 Dead last November, the design team has been excited about creating new experiences for this world and allowing players to do the same, by releasing much of our internal toolset, like the Survival Pack and Authoring Tools,” said Gabe Newell. “We’re working with the fans toward the ongoing entertainment value of the product.”

L4D is not dead yet lol



Sha8doW's picture

Shads opinion... cause you all deserve to hear it!

Shads opinion… cause you all deserve to hear it!

“Since the release of Left 4 Dead last November, the design team has been excited about creating new experiences for this world and allowing players to do the same, by releasing much of our internal toolset, like the Survival Pack and Authoring Tools,”

I reckon they have finally heard the angry mob which was gunning for them after the annoucment of L4D2

“the primary goal of “Crash” is to deliver a complete Versus mode experience in just 30 minutes”

Huh? can someone explain this too me? WTF is a “complete vs mode xp” and does 30mins mean its going to be really short? WTF did anyone get that?

“A recharge timer for infected teammates has also been added, and item spawn behavior has changed for more balanced gameplay.”

Again… WTF recharge timer? um like there is one already! it takes 30 seconds to spawn and the boomer, hunter and smoker all have cool downs… are they gunna nerf this?

“releasing much of our internal toolset, like the Survival Pack and Authoring Tools,”

This can only be good! although I am interested as to HOW the existing “mods” were constructed then?

Sha8doW's picture


maybe they should try getting it working on linux…

I have a L4D server running

Had a low grav 4 v 4 versus server running for the past three days when i’m playing left 4 dead, and I have had over 400 players so far. Join in sometime.

I know how to mod l4d. Well sort of :)

Server settings:
Versus – 4 vs 4 (Normal Difficulty)
Low Gravity – Turns it into a different, much harder but more rewarding game. Typically campaigns last about 30 minutes.
Normal Infected – More zombies, Same health, Slower speed.
Survivors – More ammo, Faster crawl, Normal Health + Speed.
Smoker – Longer tongue range, faster drag, stronger tongue, faster tongue regeneration.
Boomer – Longer vomit range, Faster recharge, blind time changed to 7 from 5.
Hunter – Uncapped pounce damage (seen up to 60 so far at really long range), stronger stumble.
Witch – Runs FAST, normal health, double threat range
Tank – Slightly faster so it can keep up with yellow survivors when on fire. Faster rock reload, slightly more rock damage

Everyone is welcome as long as they remember to have fun (It IS a low grav server and the infected will PWN new players)

I am always there to admin the server

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