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Sha8doW's picture

Shads opinion... cause you all deserve to hear it!

Shads opinion… cause you all deserve to hear it!

“Since the release of Left 4 Dead last November, the design team has been excited about creating new experiences for this world and allowing players to do the same, by releasing much of our internal toolset, like the Survival Pack and Authoring Tools,”

I reckon they have finally heard the angry mob which was gunning for them after the annoucment of L4D2

“the primary goal of “Crash” is to deliver a complete Versus mode experience in just 30 minutes”

Huh? can someone explain this too me? WTF is a “complete vs mode xp” and does 30mins mean its going to be really short? WTF did anyone get that?

“A recharge timer for infected teammates has also been added, and item spawn behavior has changed for more balanced gameplay.”

Again… WTF recharge timer? um like there is one already! it takes 30 seconds to spawn and the boomer, hunter and smoker all have cool downs… are they gunna nerf this?

“releasing much of our internal toolset, like the Survival Pack and Authoring Tools,”

This can only be good! although I am interested as to HOW the existing “mods” were constructed then?


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