It’s not as cool, but spray the pilot with an assault rifle and he’ll still suffer a negative lead to gravity ratio if your persistent enough (insert Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha here). My hot tip is that if you are and engie in seats four and five of the blackhawk you can use your repair tool to repair in midair, and that is confirmed! However be careful, there is a bug that if its a stolen chopper you may actually destroy it (that’s why you can’t take screwdrivers on jumbo jets my friends LOL)
Headshot a chopper pilot
It’s not as cool, but spray the pilot with an assault rifle and he’ll still suffer a negative lead to gravity ratio if your persistent enough (insert Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha here). My hot tip is that if you are and engie in seats four and five of the blackhawk you can use your repair tool to repair in midair, and that is confirmed! However be careful, there is a bug that if its a stolen chopper you may actually destroy it (that’s why you can’t take screwdrivers on jumbo jets my friends LOL)