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community forum.

continuation of the adventures of Res.

I have found something of valid interest, someone from the
community has gone to the trouble of testing all (most) of
the weapon spreads.

Ballistic weapon spreading profiles

Also worthy of a good laugh another member started a thread
titled, “most embarrassing self-kill”, all posts following the
original content aren’t worth reading so I’ll just quote him.

gloubi – I think I got the best self-kill, and I wasn’t even drunk:

I was a covop, and I see this teammate approaching, looking a little suspect.
Then he watches me (probably thinking I was a spy too), so we probably both
acted suspect because we both thought the other was a spy. Then as he starts
to walk away I launch my flying drone (what I was planning to do before he came nearby).
I then turn around, see a strogg, and assume he’s the suspect teammate who
came back to backstab me. Then I notice his name: he has my name! I don’t
think further, he has to be a spy, I fire the drone and boom.. of course it was
myself that I was watching through the drone, and I’m dead..

Can it be more stupid?


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