QW Community Forum.
After spending a few hours this morning having my personality and morals assaulted by the sheer arrogance
and stupidity that can only reside in a community forum I did manage to find a few interesting topics, I’m sure
I could have found more but my mental stability can only take so much at one time.
Someone’s rather amusing tantrum
A good chat about TF2 and QW
And now something funny to take your mind away from the forums depravity.
Hmm, I can’t seem to figure out how to edit my original post as I messed up the links.
Arrg! what happened to the old [url=http://www.whatever.com]clickme[/url]
Fixed links below.
Someone’s rather amusing tantrum
A good chat about TF2 and QW
In the future when I strap on hazmat gear and return to the forum I’ll keep my eyes
open for some more interesting links.
Sorry mate we hadn’t given
Sorry mate we hadn’t given you your Honorary Membership permissions yet. Should be fixed now.
Did you see the trailer for Soldier of Fortune 3, linked in the “Tantrum” thread??
I’m not sure I could deal with playing that game — maybe I’m getting old.
community forum.
continuation of the adventures of Res.
Back in the community forum once again, and as expected the bitch and moan
regarding snipers continues.
Here are some topic titles for an example;
Why Do People Hate us Covert Ops…? and, Hands up if you like snipers! (yey..gnnnnoooo).
I made a post! I couldn’t hold back any longer, and I’m sure the repercussions
will come back to haunt me.
straps on flame retardant suit.
Here is a link to my post if you would like to have a looky.
You will find it close to the bottom of the first page.
will quakeboy be lynched by the mob?
Someone had better call the fire department! This guys on a death wish.
Topic – game looks 1998 on high setting…
Yeah he’s getting slaughtered. Seemed like just a sensationalistic post by quakeboy. There’s not much you can say to people like that – we’re not playing it for the graphics. Hell – before this most of us were playing ET:W – why? Gameplay, teamwork. ET:QW has the same. Say that to someone like quakeboy and you’ll get a glazed over stare back… Right before you go Duke on him
I’m a little disappointed, I was hoping more of the forum vulchers
would have a go at tearing him a new ass hole.
heh you want blood don’t
heh you want blood don’t you.
For sure, any pompous wankstain that just logs into the forum and starts
bitching like a spoilt little child deserves to have his legs torn off and beaten
to death with them.
Whats wrong with acting like a human and taking a screen cap, posting it
on the forum and asking “Umm, hey I was wondering if this is right?”.
community forum.
continuation of the adventures of Res.
I have found something of valid interest, someone from the
community has gone to the trouble of testing all (most) of
the weapon spreads.
Ballistic weapon spreading profiles
Also worthy of a good laugh another member started a thread
titled, “most embarrassing self-kill”, all posts following the
original content aren’t worth reading so I’ll just quote him.
gloubi – I think I got the best self-kill, and I wasn’t even drunk:
I was a covop, and I see this teammate approaching, looking a little suspect.
Then he watches me (probably thinking I was a spy too), so we probably both
acted suspect because we both thought the other was a spy. Then as he starts
to walk away I launch my flying drone (what I was planning to do before he came nearby).
I then turn around, see a strogg, and assume he’s the suspect teammate who
came back to backstab me. Then I notice his name: he has my name! I don’t
think further, he has to be a spy, I fire the drone and boom.. of course it was
myself that I was watching through the drone, and I’m dead..
Can it be more stupid?
self kill
Nice find on the weapon spreads.
That’s an outstanding self kill. I can’t quite compete with it despite the multitude of deaths to choose from. Some of my favorites:
best kill
Not exactly on topic, but I got my best kill last night playing on the demo servers with ltmon, chip and Shad. The opposition was weak to say the least so the fact we were hammering them wasn’t an achievement in itself. I spent most of the time stealing their uniforms, and stabbing them in the back as my method of holding them back. They would be repairing the MCP and stab!
Anyway, the crowning glory kill came whilst in an oppositions uniform I walked up to a guy looked at him. He looked at me. I started moving my mouse from one side to the other and back making my player make a pointing motion to behind him (was doing my best to say “Look, it’s a blimp!”). He was a little hesitant or confused to begin with, but ended up getting the picture and turned around to see what was going on.
Fuzz stabs him in the back
Oh yeah!
back stabb.
Nice work, now thats style!
heh, blimp
Look the Duf blimp from Duke!
Nice one Fuzz!
community forum
continuation of the adventures of Res.
Make Love, Not Quake Wars – Thanks to MooCube
also some other amusing video of quake wars.
MCP Hunt
Base Jumping
In Game Advertising
Strogg Tormentor
Battle for freedom episode 1
Battle for freedom episode 1.5
Cheats in QW?
that’s quite a movie collection there. I wonder how many snipers are using that damn aimbot!
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