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Revision of 7.2 Earthquake strikes New Zealand from Sat, 04/09/2010 - 08:21
How’s our kiwi contingent fairing?
fuck me
bloods on the south island isnt he?
i know MM limpet and deadite are on the north.
Blood phone number
Think so yeah. Does anyone have his number? I checked the PM’s I got with peoples details for emergencies, but I haven’t got Blood’s details.
still the south island
felt it, but not to bad up here, my parents and sister are in chch. One long AND STRONG shake. aftershocks still going.
Blood’s definitely in Christchurch, NZ, can confirm that. If anyone has a mobile or landline we can call, let us know.
nature strikes back first Bird Flu (Yep it’s Back) then an Earth Quake…….
h0pe all is well bl00d………….
no deaths or major injures reported, but no power and water is a problem, cell phones have been to cut to emergency only as cell towers are battery p[ower.
Thanks Limp. Great to hear
Thanks Limp. Great to hear you’re ok.
No mobiles… hmm that put a dent in our mobile contacting plan. Perhaps after this we set up some kind of elaborate trans tasman tin can and string setup for emergency contacting. Hell, TPG does it for internet :)
Emergency Network
Perhaps we need as many ways of contact, and hopefully one of them still works.
I like up north, and slept like a baby through it…
Revised Stats:
Revised stats, acc0rding t0 USGS
Magnitude 7.0
Depth 5km (thats VERY shall0w) set by location program (somewhere between 5 and 15km deep)
Time & Date Saturday, September 04, 2010 at 04:35:46 AM at epicenter
Distances 45 km (30 miles) W of Christchurch, New Zealand
200 km (125 miles) SSE of Westport, New Zealand
290 km (180 miles) NNE of Dunedin, New Zealand
330 km (205 miles) SW of WELLINGTON, New Zealand
All NZ IPX Members sh0uld be safe and acc0unted f0r. EDIT: Except f0r bl00dst0rm. S0rry i keep f0rgetting ab0ut y0u br0. h0pe y0ur 0k, please check in ASAP.
Keep an eye 0n Adelaide f0r the next m0nth 0r s0.. 0mg we will l0se the intern0de mainframe when that happens.. xD
IPX Emergency Contacts
The Emergency Contact List has email, “land“line, and m0bile c0ntacts f0r members. Ill d0 an0ther call f0r updates s00n, s0 we get the newer members 0n there. Yes 0fc0urse during any emergency when the p0wer grid is kn0cked 0ut, there is little chance 0f any 0f the c0mmunicati0ns meth0ds that we use 0f w0rking. There is little we can d0 ab0ut this, as 0ur members are t00 far spread acr0ss the regi0ns t0 c0mmunicate via a CB radi0. It is m0re useful f0r during the aftermath, f0r members t0 check in and be checked up 0n. During an emergency, ab0ut the last thing 0n a members mind w0uld be t0 “0h, I’ve g0tta let the team kn0w I’m alright”, I am sure during these types 0f situati0ns, y0u are very busy. There’s 0nly s0 much we can d0, and unf0rtunately, a piece 0f string stretched acr0ss the Tasman w0uld pass thr0ugh the 0cean and render any c0mmunicati0ns “inaudible”. =/
I will 0fc0urse revise the emergency pr0cedures, t0 be h0nest I have n0t fully devel0ped it yet, and I really need t0 get everyb0dy’s details up 0n there, I d0nt even have s0mtin 0n there, but he just rep0rted in 0n IRC, safe fr0m the N0rth Island.
Micr0 is 0n the list, and sh0uld be safely 0n the t0p part 0f the S0uth Island, albeit his new case screws may be able shaken l00se ;p
I h0pe bl00dst0rm is 0k.. f0r s0me reas0n I’m thinking hes in 0r near Christchurch. be much easier if I had him 0n the c0ntact list already, my fault f0r n0t barking up everyb0dy t0 get it finished, just kinda let it slide s0rry. I am prepared t0 face a year l0ng Review 0ver the matter. =/
f0ll0w up quake: 5.7
Magnitude 5.7
Depth 17.4 km (10.8 miles)
Time & Date Saturday, September 04, 2010 at 04:53:00 AM at epicenter
Distances 50 km (30 miles) WNW of Christchurch, New Zealand
190 km (115 miles) SSE of Westport, New Zealand
305 km (190 miles) NNE of Dunedin, New Zealand
320 km (200 miles) SW of WELLINGTON, New Zealand
EDIT: Other f0ll0w up quakes/ Aftersh0cks have been rep0rted, at less then 5.0 magnitude, h0wever the USGS has n0t updated their maps t0 reflect this inf0rmati0n, yet. Guess they d0nt care ab0ut this side 0f the w0rld all that much, asl0ng as its happening 0ver here. =/
what about scout
doesn’t scout live near blood
All good
Hey guys Yea both Scout and I do live in CHCH. I was out of town at the time but came back today to see the damage. Our place is ok some broken stuff inside but the house and stuff is still standing.
Spoke to Scout earlier he is all ok dont know too much about his place but i think he is about the same as us.
There is some huge damage in the center of town and we a still feeling pretty strong after shocks and we have a big storm on its way expected to hit tonight which wont help things. Also have been warned to expect a BIG aftershock sometime soon.
Glad t0 hear
Glad t0 hear y0ur alright st0rm. nice bit 0f luck there being 0ut 0f t0wn at the right time =p
s0meb0dy please p0st here as s00n as y0u hear news fr0m sc0ut.
plan for contacting everyone
lets launch a satilite
I can!
Hey I can do that!
I was g0nna put it 0ver N0rway th0.. Keep an eye 0n them.. y0u never kn0w…
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